Regarding the issue of jurisdiction in the field of combating acts of illegal interference in the activities of civil aviation


  • Davit Geferidze
  • Givi Ashortia



The present work is based on theoretical and empirical research. It should be noted
that along with the development of international civil aviation, the concepts: “Act of Unlawful Interference”
and “Issues of Jurisdiction” are becoming increasingly popular. Illegal actions committed by
persons that threatened the safety of civil aviation and that affected the legal well-being of passengers
on boards of aircrafts were not initially recognized at the legal level by international air law, therefore,
it became problematic to qualify such actions, but due to the increased use of airspace and along with
the development of the transportation sector, it became necessary to form new approaches based on
the existing experience. This led to the creation of five conventions which are discussed in terms of the
exercise of jurisdiction.


